
Tax advice

Good tax strategy = more money for your art

Let’s face it – we all want to pay less tax and the good news is you probably can. The best way to minimise the tax you owe is to plan well and structure strategically. Tax legislation evolves quite frequently, so if you’ve always handled your tax in the same way you should definitely check in with your accountant to see if you could be paying less.

Don’t leave it until 30 June either. Arrange a visit to our offices or book in a Phone/Skype consultation to plan your deductions and record keeping in advance.

Our specialist accountants are skilled at working with creatives. They can give you intel on:

  • What to claim
  • What records to keep
  • When to time a big-ticket purchase
  • How much to spend
  • Whether to lease or buy
  • What structure your business should operate under
  • How to take advantage of any Government incentives

Never receive an unexpected letter from the ATO again

Once your tax is minimised, we can also help you budget for it. There’s nothing worse than having to stall a project or put your life on hold because you have to figure out a way to pay for unplanned tax. The more you talk to your accountant, the more clarity you’ll have.

Talk tax strategy with our specialist accountants.

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